Stalker shadow of chernobyl secret lab
Stalker shadow of chernobyl secret lab

Another roar sounds off behind you, while your vision starts to waver and tilt in a drunk effect, a high pitched whine gradually ramping up in your ears.

  • The second "HOLY SHIT!" moment comes not too far later, just prior to your escape from the underground tunnel.
  • Oh, and the name of this horrifying creature? Bloodsucker. And considering your weapons are quite poor, it's very possible your gun and your pistol will jam as you try to fight it, resulting in you going toe to toe with just your knife, trying desperately to slash the thing to death before it eats you. For the novice stalker, this is how deadly this game is, when just one creature can rip you apart in a hurry if you aren't prepared or if you make mistakes. You here the sounds of the monster breathing, and getting closer, until you turn, and BAM tentacles in the face, it slashes you then turns invisible so it can ambush you again and again. And it's a tight corridor around the generators.

    stalker shadow of chernobyl secret lab

    The only way to your objective is where the roar came from.

    stalker shadow of chernobyl secret lab stalker shadow of chernobyl secret lab

    You come to an old generator room, with some anomalies pinging off in the background, and if you are looking in the right spot, you can see a pair of white eyes looking back at you as well as a huge roar that you will never have heard in-game before.

  • One of the first really "HOLY SHIT!" moments is during the first underground tunnel level.
  • Remember those games where you didn't have to eat, where being injured was just a reason to be slightly more cautious, and you could heal by simply walking away and waiting for a bit? No, no, no, no, no. Remember those games where the people not shooting you spoke the same language as you? Нет.

    stalker shadow of chernobyl secret lab

    Remember those games where there'd be some guy who would helpfully fill you in on the boss's weak point before you fought him? No. Remember those other FPSes where you had limitless supplies of ammo which took up no room in your magic bottomless bag? No. The atmosphere of crushing horror is made far worse by the fact it holds quite old fashioned views about what the average player should be capable of.

  • There are few video game which come close to the level of creeping, grinding dread this game and its sequels inspires.
  • for some doesn't require monsters, just realizing that this is what the end of the world might look like, even though all events of the game are happening within only the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, which, then again, is slowly expanding and taking over the planet.

    Stalker shadow of chernobyl secret lab